Hello There

I am Rajiv, a Final Year Undergrad at IIT Kharagpur. From spending my time either reading some random article on the internet to having a nice talk with my friends on 2.2 , my time has been passing by recently. I am into writing code in Javascript and Go , have developed a low key-hate for Python. Recently had a exposure on containerization and orchestration tools whose working parts fantisized me a lot. Exploring Databases as Distributed systems, System Design currently and it's worth learning.

Am part of a group of Open Source ethusiasts , Kharagpur Open Source Society where we conduct Workshop, seminars on Git,Linux and other Tools to spread the word about Open Source among the college students.

Can find me anytime listening to Moozic of all sorts which have a soothing tune. Nah, Drums don't amuse me. Why pain the ear when can have a soft sound soothen the mind. Have been finding nature quite pleasant and like to sit alone in a garden full of trees to relax after a tiring day.

Here's my soothing playlist for you :)